Equity Valuation
Equity valuation is the process of determining the intrinsic value of a company’s common shares or equity interests. This comprehensive assessment takes into account various financial factors, market conditions, and industry benchmarks to ascertain the fair market value of a company’s equity. Equity valuation is crucial for investors, shareholders, and financial professionals.
Equity valuation is required to:
- Determine Fair Market Value: It helps establish the true worth of a company’s shares, ensuring a fair price for buyers and sellers.
- Investment Decisions: Investors use valuation to assess potential returns and risks before making decisions.
- Mergers and Acquisitions: Equity valuation is crucial in negotiating terms and determining a fair purchase price in M&A transactions.
- Raising Capital: It helps companies determine the value of their shares when seeking investments or issuing new equity.
- Strategic Planning: Businesses use valuation to make informed decisions about growth, expansion, or restructuring.
Key Considerations
When valuation is required
At the time of fund raise, internal decision making, etc.
Who can perform the valuation
: Merchant Banker or Registered Valuer or any other professional
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