
Management Buy-Outs and Divestitures

Management buy-outs (MBOs) and divestitures are significant corporate transactions that involve the sale of a business or a segment of a business to its existing management team or external investors. An MBO allows a company's current management to acquire ownership or a significant stake in the business. Divestitures, on the other hand, involve the sale of a part of a business or a subsidiary by the parent company.

Management Buy-Outs (MBOs) and Divestitures are required in the following situations:
  • small-tic Ownership Transition: MBOs occur when existing owners wish to exit and sell to the management team, while divestitures are used to sell non-core or underperforming assets.
  • small-tic Strategic Refocusing: Companies may divest divisions to focus on core operations, or MBOs may happen when management wants control to execute a strategic vision.
  • small-tic Financial Restructuring: Both MBOs and divestitures can be used to raise capital, reduce debt, or improve financial health.
  • small-tic Regulatory or Legal Reasons: Divestitures may be required due to antitrust issues or regulatory approval for mergers, while MBOs may occur as part of a broader exit strategy.
  • small-tic Performance Issues: Companies may pursue divestitures when parts of the business are underperforming or MBOs when management believes it can improve the company's performance independently.

Key Considerations


When valuation is required

At the time of Management Buy-Outs (MBOs) and Divestitures.


Who can perform the valuation

Merchant Banker or Registered Valuer or any other professional

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